This Happy Family were very chuffed with their new Bespoke Shelf-Portrait oil painting. A lovely reminder of the books that have been most significant in their lives together.
I love the way it matches their wall!
AAF Battersea on today!!
8th – 11th March
Find my Shelf Portraits at stand L10 with Nicholas Bowlby Gallery…
Full page in the i…
Thrilled that the i picked up on the Yorkshire Post feature and gave me a whole page in a national daily 🙂
New work ready for Affordable Art Fair
I’m excited to have new Shelf-Portrait paintings ready for the Affordable Art Fair in Battersea this March, where they will be on show with the Nicholas Bowly Gallery.…
The Affordable Art Fair ‘Battersea Spring’ takes place from Thursday 8th to Sunday 11th March in Battersea Park.