Northlight Winter Art Fair this weekend!

Preparations under way for the Northlight Winter Art Fair this weekend. I’ll have art-prints and cards for sale, and some mugs! Also on display will be my latest Shelf-Portrait paintings….

stepping out of my comfort zone

I have been avoiding getting on with a promised sketch of the house of an old family friend, but last week knuckled down to it and really enjoyed doing something different.


Note to self: remember to leave comfort zone more often!


Latest sales at Frivoli, Chiswick

New homes for ‘Figaro’ and ‘Penguin among the Pelicans’ – I do find it such a privileged to be able to do what I love and have other people appreciate it!!

A more abstract approach…

A more abstract approach for a new set of paintings ready to submit to the Artsmill Winter Open. I love the juxtaposition of random colours and subtle faded shades on old book shelves. The penguins, however, just looked too naked without their logos!

‘The Iron Man’ rsw2016 oil on canvas 15x40cm



”Utopia’ rsw2016 oil on canvas 15x40cm



‘Edited’ rsw2016 oil on canvas 15x40cm


A more abstract approach…

A more abstract approach for a new set of paintings ready to submit to the Artsmill Winter Open. I love the juxtaposition of random colours and subtle faded shades on old book shelves. The penguins, however, just looked too naked without their logos!

‘The Iron Man’ rsw2016 oil on canvas 15x40cm



”Utopia’ rsw2016 oil on canvas 15x40cm



‘Edited’ rsw2016 oil on canvas 15x40cm


Perusing George Perec in my lunch-break…

…as I frequently do,
(I love his literal and thorough observations of everyday surroundings and possessions, and that he can cover several pages with nothing but a list of items and it is still fascinating to read.)
(and his hair and googly eyes, obviously)
…anyhow, as I was saying: Perusing George Perec in my lunch-break I came across this at the end of a lengthy, detailed description of the contents of a cellar (‘Life: A User’s Manual’ p153/155), and it struck a cord…(see below)
”The Altamonts’ cellar, clean, tidy, and neat: from floor to ceiling, shelving and pigeonholes labelled in large, legible letters. A place for everything and everything in its place……
….To the far right, finally, between the wall and the door… …comes the maintenance, cleansing, and miscellaneous supplies section: stacks of floorcloths, cartons of washing powder, detergents, descaling liquid, bleach products for unblocking waste pipes, supplies of ammonia bleach, sponges, products for polishing floors, cleaning windows, shining brass, untarnishing silver, for brightening glassware, floortiles, and linoleum, broomheads, Hoover bags, candles, spare matches, piles of electric batteries, coffee filters, soluble asprin with added vitamin C, candle bulbs for chandeliers, razor blades, cheap Eau de Cologne in litre bottles, soap, shampoo, cottonwool, cottonbuds, emery nailfiles, ink cartridges, beeswax, paint pots, dressings for minor cuts, insecticides, firelighters, dustbin liners, flints for cigarette lighters, and kitchen paper rolls.”
The cord it struck was, of course, this one….
‘Reverence’(Significant Accumulations) rsw2010

The Friendly Fork…

My favourite one of my paintings of the last year, ‘The Friendly Fork’, inspired by my Aunt’s silver cutlery and Alan Bennett’s words:
‘’Note how personalised and peopled the material world is at a level almost beneath scrutiny. I’m thinking of the cutlery in the drawer or the crockery I every morning empty from the dishwasher. Some wooden spoons, for instance, I like, think of as friendly, others impersonal or without character. Some bowls are favourites; others I have no feeling for at all. There is the friendly fork, a bad knife and a blue and white plate that is thicker than the others which I think of as taking a kick if I discriminate against it by using it less.’’ Alan Bennett, ‘Untold Stories’
The first time I read those words I exclaimed out loud to the book ‘YES! That’s exactly what I’m on about!’
This Friendly Fork and its friends have sold, and are now hanging in their new (beautiful) surroundings…..

The Friendly Fork…

My favourite one of my paintings of the last year, ‘The Friendly Fork’, inspired by my Aunt’s silver cutlery and Alan Bennett’s words:
‘’Note how personalised and peopled the material world is at a level almost beneath scrutiny. I’m thinking of the cutlery in the drawer or the crockery I every morning empty from the dishwasher. Some wooden spoons, for instance, I like, think of as friendly, others impersonal or without character. Some bowls are favourites; others I have no feeling for at all. There is the friendly fork, a bad knife and a blue and white plate that is thicker than the others which I think of as taking a kick if I discriminate against it by using it less.’’ Alan Bennett, ‘Untold Stories’
The first time I read those words I exclaimed out loud to the book ‘YES! That’s exactly what I’m on about!’
This Friendly Fork and its friends have sold, and are now hanging in their new (beautiful) surroundings…..

'Catch 22' looking happy in its new surroundings :-)


This commission I recently finished and delivered looks very happy in it’s new surroundings. Fabulous to paint such an extra-long shelf portrait, thank you Carol!


”Roo, I want you to know how delighted I am with my shelf portrait. It’s even better than I had hoped! It really is a portrait of my life, from books reminding me of my grandfather, parents, friends, school and university days, my working life and my children. Thank you so much!
Best wishes, Carol”

New stock for Frivoli Gallery…

A trip to London last week to deliver new paintings to Frivoli Gallery

Also a fascinating visit to the London Aquarium (bow mouth guitar fish was hands-down favourite, like a ray morphing into a shark got stuck half way!!! …and gob-smacking theatre experience at The Curious Incident of the dog in the Night-time. Amazing production, set and performance!!!