Coming soon to a Town Hall near you (if you live in Hebden Bridge that is!!)…..

As I am currently rather busy focusing on painting, I will be selling off some of my lino prints and screen prints at the Town Hall Print Fair in Hebden Bridge in order to make some more space in my studio!!
Come and take a look – there’ll be other artists from Northlight Art Studios on my stall, and a whole selection of other printmakers at the fair!
print fair poster

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London Gallery for Roo's book paintings!

I am excited to announce that my book paintings are now on show and available to buy online at

Orso Major Gallery, London


Orso Major Gallery itself will be re-opening in April 2015 at

19 Lower Marsh, Waterloo, London SE1 7RJ 

 My book paintings will be on display in the Gallery…

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A most successful weekend at Parallax Art Fair!!

What a busy weekend! The private view on Friday evening was a whirlwind – with much support from my wonderful family and friends. Then on Saturday and Sunday, down to business: lots of networking and sharing experiences with other artists; much enthusiasm for my work from visitors; definite interest from London galleries; a couple of commissions and several sales!!

I really couldn’t have asked for more….

I stayed on in London an extra day to explore galleries and scour second-hand bookshops for lots of inspiration for new paintings.

Exghausted now, but back to the studio tomorrow. I can’t wait to get going on lots of new work!!



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