Off to London….

Setting off for London with ‘Cultch 1’, ‘Cultch 2’ and ‘Shakespeare for the Llewellyn Alexander Gallery ‘Not The Royal Academy’ salon de refuses

Last Chance to See……

This weekend is your last chance to see the EVIDENCE exhibition at Artsmill, Linden Mill, Hebden Bridge….. It has been a busy time, with print sales and painting sales, and lots of lovely visitors with lovely things to say … Thank you!
Open this Friday Saturday and Sunday 11-4 (I’ll be in the Gallery on Sunday)

Well Hung!!

Today I had TWO glamorous assistants: Kate Rhodes and Dorothy Simister, and the EVIDENCE exhibition at Artsmill is now…. completely hung 🙂 and ready for the PV on Sunday..
Thank you girls!!!!!!!

Exhibition half-hung today!

Storming ahead with the hanging of the EVIDENCE exhibition today at Artsmil, Hebden Bridge.
Many thanks to Dorothy Simister for her patience and expertise.. and giggles 🙂

A wonderful sunshiny break..

Just back from a wonderful sunshiny, relaxing break in Granada. The first time in years I’ve had time to sit and stare… and sketch!