Brand new Shelf-Portraits 'Green Brontes' and 'Winter Pollen'should be back from the framers in time for Northlight Winter Art Fair this weekend :-)

‘Green Brontes’ rsw2016:


‘Winter Pollen’ rsw2016


significant artefacts…

What a joy to paint this ‘portrait’ of this old Batterwhip which has lived in Nancyann’s kitchen draw for longer than she can remember! It is a beautiful object, and at some point in the past has had an old builders scraper welded to it to make a new handle. Made a refreshing change from painting book ‘Shelf-Portraits’!


Northlight Winter Art Fair this weekend!

Preparations under way for the Northlight Winter Art Fair this weekend. I’ll have art-prints and cards for sale, and some mugs! Also on display will be my latest Shelf-Portrait paintings….

Latest sales at Frivoli, Chiswick

New homes for ‘Figaro’ and ‘Penguin among the Pelicans’ – I do find it such a privileged to be able to do what I love and have other people appreciate it!!

Last Chance to See……

This weekend is your last chance to see the EVIDENCE exhibition at Artsmill, Linden Mill, Hebden Bridge….. It has been a busy time, with print sales and painting sales, and lots of lovely visitors with lovely things to say … Thank you!
Open this Friday Saturday and Sunday 11-4 (I’ll be in the Gallery on Sunday)

Well Hung!!

Today I had TWO glamorous assistants: Kate Rhodes and Dorothy Simister, and the EVIDENCE exhibition at Artsmill is now…. completely hung 🙂 and ready for the PV on Sunday..
Thank you girls!!!!!!!

Tiny kitchen clutter scenes…

New paintings drying ready for EVIDENCE exhibition at Artsmill, Hebden Bridge April 20th to May 8th, and in the meantime I have been enjoying some mono printing. Some tiny kitchen clutter scenes to contrast the large scale domestic paintings and the orderliness of the shelf portraits…009
and I found some lovely little oak frames for them…
Feeling very organised, but really MUST get on with finalising publicity!!

Orso Major moves…

The Orso Major Gallery at Lower Marsh has reached the end of it’s pop-up!
So, farewell Lower Marsh, but all my latest shelf-portrait paintings are still available from Orso Major’s on-line Gallery…
Orso Major’s on-line Gallery… 
For more details of individual paintings please click on the painting title….
‘Poetry and Drama’
‘Long Dent’