Belated New Year Greetings!
Just about got this newsletter out before the end of January!!

2019 was a very busy year for Roo Waterhouse Art, with bespoke Shelf-Portrait paintings for clients in London, Derby, and around Yorkshire, including a couple of extra special ones commissioned through publishers at Penguin Random House (but I can’t yet tell you who for!). For more information about Bespoke Shelf Portrait take a look here. Great Shelf Portrait painting sales at the Affordable Art Fairs in Battersea and Hampstead last spring and summer, many thanks to Nicholas Bowlby Fine Art, also at Frivoli Gallery, Chiswick and The Yorkshire Gallery, Halifax. Very pleased to have some large scale ‘Belongings’ painting sales too, including one to the USA.
Nicholas Bowlby will once again be representing my work in 2020 at the Affordable Art Fairs in Battersea (12-15th March) and Hampstead (30th April-3rd May).
I spent a fabulous long weekend up in the beautiful Dumfries and Galloway last October attending the Wigtown Book Festival, running a stall selling Shelf Portrait merchandise and promoting my work. A very successful and enjoyable weekend with plenty of book chat – I’ll be back next year!
I have been busy building up the number of Independent book shop outlets for retailing my Shelf Portrait greeting cards, which are now stocked all over the UK and are proving very popular, especially the new environmentally friendly unwrapped cards 🙂
The RooWaterhouseArt Etsy shop is continuing to grow, where you can find Limited Edition Fine Art Prints, A4 prints, greetings cards and (newly added) notebooks.

In September 2020 I will be holding a solo exhibition at Northlight Art Gallery in Hebden Bridge where I will be showing new Shelf Portraits, new large scale ‘Belongings’ paintings and hopefully some small landscape experiments that I’m rather excited about…
In the meantime look out for my cards in your local Independent bookshops, and I hope to pop up in some more Literature Festivals around the country this year…
Onwards and Upwards!…… Best Wishes, Roo