New Artist Fair next weekend :-)

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I’m greatly looking forward to being a part of the art buzz at the New Artist Fair at the Old Truman Brewery next weekend. Lots of new Shelf-Portrait work coming down to London with me, as well as a good selection of Limited Edition Giclee prints, framed and unframed….
Had a little ‘practice hang’ last week…

Hebden Bridge home for ‘So Hebden Bridge’

A new home in Hebden Bridge for my ‘So Hebden Bridge’ Shelf-Portrait, and a most successful end to my Shelf-Life exhibition at Northlight Art Studios.
Looking forward to taking the remaining new work down to Brick Lane for the New Artist Fair next week…

Derby Book Festival Fun!

A lovely weekend full of book-lovers at Derby Book Festival book fair. Great fun to select the winner of the ‘Shelfie’ photograph competition!
img_20180609_102359141….my stall at the book fair
derbybookfestival-lowres…’Derby Book Festival’ Shelf-Portrait

Fantastic Framing!

I really love these dark brown stained and wax ‘tray’ frames which Abacus Picture Framing make for my Shelf Portraits… My new work for Affordable Art Fair Battersea (8th-11th March) is looking fantastic 🙂