Things Can Only Get Better

I was very busy in the run up to Christmas, completing five new bespoke Shelf-Portrait oil painting commissions.
Mission Accomplished!! So now that they have been delivered and given to their new owners, I can share them with you….
This one is called ‘Things Can Only Get Better’….

‘Things Can Only Get Better’ for Sharon C. rsw2018

In The Yorkshire Post!

A lovely feature on my work in this weekend’s Yorkshire Post magazine, thank you Sharon Dale.
… Although I certainly cannot claim to have ‘invented a whole new genre’, artists have been painting shelves of books since bookshelves were invented!!

stepping out of my comfort zone

I have been avoiding getting on with a promised sketch of the house of an old family friend, but last week knuckled down to it and really enjoyed doing something different.


Note to self: remember to leave comfort zone more often!


Perusing George Perec in my lunch-break…

…as I frequently do,
(I love his literal and thorough observations of everyday surroundings and possessions, and that he can cover several pages with nothing but a list of items and it is still fascinating to read.)
(and his hair and googly eyes, obviously)
…anyhow, as I was saying: Perusing George Perec in my lunch-break I came across this at the end of a lengthy, detailed description of the contents of a cellar (‘Life: A User’s Manual’ p153/155), and it struck a cord…(see below)
”The Altamonts’ cellar, clean, tidy, and neat: from floor to ceiling, shelving and pigeonholes labelled in large, legible letters. A place for everything and everything in its place……
….To the far right, finally, between the wall and the door… …comes the maintenance, cleansing, and miscellaneous supplies section: stacks of floorcloths, cartons of washing powder, detergents, descaling liquid, bleach products for unblocking waste pipes, supplies of ammonia bleach, sponges, products for polishing floors, cleaning windows, shining brass, untarnishing silver, for brightening glassware, floortiles, and linoleum, broomheads, Hoover bags, candles, spare matches, piles of electric batteries, coffee filters, soluble asprin with added vitamin C, candle bulbs for chandeliers, razor blades, cheap Eau de Cologne in litre bottles, soap, shampoo, cottonwool, cottonbuds, emery nailfiles, ink cartridges, beeswax, paint pots, dressings for minor cuts, insecticides, firelighters, dustbin liners, flints for cigarette lighters, and kitchen paper rolls.”
The cord it struck was, of course, this one….
‘Reverence’(Significant Accumulations) rsw2010

Last Chance to See……

This weekend is your last chance to see the EVIDENCE exhibition at Artsmill, Linden Mill, Hebden Bridge….. It has been a busy time, with print sales and painting sales, and lots of lovely visitors with lovely things to say … Thank you!
Open this Friday Saturday and Sunday 11-4 (I’ll be in the Gallery on Sunday)

Tiny kitchen clutter scenes…

New paintings drying ready for EVIDENCE exhibition at Artsmill, Hebden Bridge April 20th to May 8th, and in the meantime I have been enjoying some mono printing. Some tiny kitchen clutter scenes to contrast the large scale domestic paintings and the orderliness of the shelf portraits…009
and I found some lovely little oak frames for them…
Feeling very organised, but really MUST get on with finalising publicity!!

A busy couple of months…

It’s been a busy couple of months at my studio, making new work for my upcoming solo exhibition at Artsmill in April. I’ve been having a fabulous time, working on some new large scale paintings of domestic ‘evidence’:

Yorinspired article….

New Exhibition by Roo S Waterhouse in Hebden Bridge


Local artist Roo Waterhouse has a short exhibition of paintings at the newly opened Unit Three Gallery at Northlight Art Studios in Hebden Bridge. The exhibition will be opening on Friday 5th June from 6.30-8pm, and will run over the weekend of Saturday 6th June and Sunday 7th June, from 11am to 4pm.

Since graduating from Leeds Metropolitan University in 2010, Roo has established herself as a figurative painter with a fascination towards poetic narrative, exhibiting widely across the North of England in solo exhibitions and in London galleries. She was a finalist in the Artist and Illustrator ‘Artist of the Year 2013’ show at The Mall Galleries, London. Her paintings are collected around the country.


This exhibition contains a series of new book paintings (‘Shelf-Portraits’) alongside some old favourites. All the paintings on show are on their way down to three galleries in London: ‘Unwritten Book’ has been accepted for the Llewellyn Alexander Gallery’s ‘Not the Royal Academy’ Show (8th June – 22nd August); Orso major Gallery in Waterloo will be stocking all Roo’s new ‘Shelf-Portrait’ paintings; and her larger scale ‘domestic’ paintings will be in an exhibition at Gallery98 Tower Bridge Road (12th June – 5th July).

Roo’s paintings are little personal poems, celebrating the significance of our treasured possessions. They each resonate with their own story and together form a narrative, an echo of personal and family identity. ‘’By capturing everyday objects and preserving them in paint I seek to pay homage to those things around us which we often may take for granted, and to remind us to stop and appreciate them.’’


Come and see her work before it all goes down to London!

Roo S Waterhouse at Unit Three Gallery

Open Saturday 6th June and Sunday 7th June , 11am-4pm

Unit Three Gallery

Northlight Art Studios

Valley Road

Hebden Bridge HX7 7BZ


Courtesy Roo S Waterhouse