Yorinspired article….


New Exhibition by Roo S Waterhouse in Hebden Bridge


Local artist Roo Waterhouse has a short exhibition of paintings at the newly opened Unit Three Gallery at Northlight Art Studios in Hebden Bridge. The exhibition will be opening on Friday 5th June from 6.30-8pm, and will run over the weekend of Saturday 6th June and Sunday 7th June, from 11am to 4pm.

Since graduating from Leeds Metropolitan University in 2010, Roo has established herself as a figurative painter with a fascination towards poetic narrative, exhibiting widely across the North of England in solo exhibitions and in London galleries. She was a finalist in the Artist and Illustrator ‘Artist of the Year 2013’ show at The Mall Galleries, London. Her paintings are collected around the country.


This exhibition contains a series of new book paintings (‘Shelf-Portraits’) alongside some old favourites. All the paintings on show are on their way down to three galleries in London: ‘Unwritten Book’ has been accepted for the Llewellyn Alexander Gallery’s ‘Not the Royal Academy’ Show (8th June – 22nd August); Orso major Gallery in Waterloo will be stocking all Roo’s new ‘Shelf-Portrait’ paintings; and her larger scale ‘domestic’ paintings will be in an exhibition at Gallery98 Tower Bridge Road (12th June – 5th July).

Roo’s paintings are little personal poems, celebrating the significance of our treasured possessions. They each resonate with their own story and together form a narrative, an echo of personal and family identity. ‘’By capturing everyday objects and preserving them in paint I seek to pay homage to those things around us which we often may take for granted, and to remind us to stop and appreciate them.’’


Come and see her work before it all goes down to London!

Roo S Waterhouse at Unit Three Gallery

Open Saturday 6th June and Sunday 7th June , 11am-4pm

Unit Three Gallery

Northlight Art Studios

Valley Road

Hebden Bridge HX7 7BZ





Courtesy Roo S Waterhouse

The Comfort of Things is up and ready to open….


No grand opening do, I’m afraid, but I will be in residence for a ‘Meet the Artist’ session on Saturday 3rd May from 12 noon to 2pm

– which just so happens to coincide with the Beer and Cider Festival 🙂

In the meantime, get on down to the Town Hall in Hebden Bridge and take a look.





All paintings are for sale, and there’s some lino prints too….

Commission yourselfie a 'Shelfie'

SHELFIES – the new selfies!


‘Slow Books’ rsw oil on canvas 2014 10″x20″

Above is the ‘Shelfie’ I painted for authors Carl Honore and Miranda France. These are the books that are special in their lives together.

Both the painting and the idea of a ‘Shelfie’ have been so popular that I thought it was time to market the idea more widely!!


‘MyBooks’ rsw 2014 oil on canvas 10″x20″

Prices start from £195 for a standard 10″x12″ (about 8-10 books), £295 for 10″x20″, £325 for 12″x24″ (about 18-20 books) with a range in between!

If you would like to talk to me about commissioning a ‘Shelfie’ for yourself or someone special – a gathering of the resonant books in your lives – please contact me




Take a look at the painting tabs above to see more of my book paintings….

Penguins on parade……

Roo’s penguin paintings are now on display, and for sale, at  The Bookcase – the wonderful independent bookshop on Market Street in Hebden Bridge, along with a selection of rather lovely greetings cards! (not to mention a shop full of hoards of fabulous books……)


Recently I have been particularly enamoured by the way that we all bring our own stories to the reading of a book, and each take a different story away with us – leaving the book on the shelf, altered, waiting for the next reader to come along….