Come and join me at UPCO in Otley this Sunday.
It’ll be the final day of my exhibition, as well as being May Day!!

There will be refreshments and merriment 🙂

These lovely little notebooks are new in my shop this week!
I’ll be bringing some to Otley on Sunday too 🙂
Choose from Jane AustenScience Fiction. the ABC of Bees and Gentleman Jack

Shop Notebooks 🙂

Book Stairs!
The Bookery, a fabulous independent bookshop in Crediton, sent me this great photo of their innovative stair decoration using some of my Book Shelf greeting cards.
Isn’t it fab!!

I hope you all have a super bank holiday weekend.
I look forward to seeing some of you in Otley on Sunday 🙂

Best Wishes,

Visit Roo’s Website
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