Wonderful words!

”Public accomplishments and hidden secrets. Old Friends and loves lost. Simple jokes and profound truths. This bookshelf encapsulates half a century of the inside of my head. More intimate and more telling than any facial portrait could ever be.
As tromp d’oeil, only the larger than life scale gives the game away. Roo’s talent is to both abstract and reproduce the worn history of these much loved books. Working with Roo was a delight, her care and artistic judgement shining through at every step.”

Tim Hampson on bespoke commission ‘Properties of Matter’ ©rsw2018


'Properties of Matter'

Down to London last week to deliver my latest bespoke Shelf-Portrait,
‘Properties of Matter’
My largest book painting to date at 50×100″ it was an absolute joy to paint 🙂
Very pleased with the result, as is the new owner!

Derby Book Festival Fun!

A lovely weekend full of book-lovers at Derby Book Festival book fair. Great fun to select the winner of the ‘Shelfie’ photograph competition!
img_20180609_102359141….my stall at the book fair
derbybookfestival-lowres…’Derby Book Festival’ Shelf-Portrait

Fantastic Framing!

I really love these dark brown stained and wax ‘tray’ frames which Abacus Picture Framing make for my Shelf Portraits… My new work for Affordable Art Fair Battersea (8th-11th March) is looking fantastic 🙂